Pavel Vild

address: Terezie Brzkové 766/58, Plzeň, CZ-32, 318 00, CZ

Pavel Vild (LEI# 315700XP78TWYT85N087) is a legal entity registered with .

Entity Overview

Legal Entity Identifier (LEI)315700XP78TWYT85N087
Legal Name Pavel Vild (language: cs)
Legal Address Terezie Brzkové 766/58
318 00
Czech Republic
language: cs
Headquarters Address Terezie Brzkové 766/58
318 00
Czech Republic
language: cs
Legal Jurisdiction Czech Republic
Entity StatusACTIVE

Registration Authority

Registration Authority IDRA000857
Registration Authority Entity ID 40512151

Entity Legal Form

Legal Form Code95G8

LEI Registration

Managing Local Operating Unit (LOU) 315700LK78Z7C0WMIL03
Initial Registration Date2022-09-09
Last Update Date2024-06-15
Registration StatusLAPSED
Next Renewal Date2023-09-08
Validation Sources Fully Corroborated
Validation Authority IDRA000857
Validation Authority Entity ID40512151

Entity Relationship

Reporting Exceptions

Exception Category Exception Reason Exception Reference
Direct Accounting Consolidation Parent
Ultimate Accounting Consolidation Parent

Office Location

Headquarters Address Terezie Brzkové 766/58
Region CZ-32 (CZ-32)
Postal Code318 00
Country Czech Republic (CZ)

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Entity Name Business Address Registration
European Standards s.r.o. Karla Steinera 852/37, Skvrňany, Plzeň, CZ-32, 318 00, CZ 2024-11-26
GEAR SERVICE s.r.o. Domažlická 1201/168b, Plzeň, CZ-32, 318 00, CZ 2024-09-16
PROFIKO - stavební kování, spol. s r.o. · PROFIKO - stavebni kovani, spol. s r.o. Vojanova 746/21, Plzeň, CZ-32, 318 00, CZ 2024-08-14
Tadeski z.s. K Rybníku 187/42, Plzeň, CZ-32, 318 00, CZ 2024-06-28

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Entity Name Business Address Registration
PRIMA CHLAZENÍ s.r.o. · PRIMA CHLAZENI s.r.o. alej Svobody 727/37, Plzeň, CZ-32, 323 00, CZ 2025-01-31
ENERGY STEEL plus s.r.o. Borská 2807/69, Plzeň, CZ-32, 301 00, CZ 2025-01-30
AUTO HELUS s.r.o. Luční 168/32, Plzeň, CZ-32, 301 00, CZ 2024-12-12
KadeL Data servis spol. s r.o. Republikánská 1102/45, Plzeň, 312 00, CZ 2024-10-29
Megatech Industries Plzeň s.r.o. · Megatech Industries Plzen s.r.o. Podnikatelská 1187/47, Plzeň, CZ-31, 301 00, CZ 2024-10-09
DESINSEKTA s.r.o. Lindauerova 140/21, Plzeň, CZ-32, 301 00, CZ 2024-08-16
Tosmara s.r.o. Tosmara s.r.o., sady 5. května 59, Plzeň, CZ-32, 301 00, CZ 2024-08-14
KREINER IMPEX s.r.o. Tylova 710/49 Jižní Předměstí, Plzeň, CZ-32, 301 00, CZ 2024-08-12
FPC Bohemia s.r.o. Teslova 1202/3, Plzeň, 301 00, CZ 2024-07-12
5Arrows Czech s.r.o. Zábělská 481/101, Plzeň, CZ-32, 312 00, CZ 2024-07-11
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City Plzeň
Postal Code 318 00

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Dataset Information

Data ProviderGlobal Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF)

This dataset includes 1.7 million Legal Entity Identifiers (LEIs). Each entity is registered with Legal Entity Identifier (LEI), entity name, status, address, etc.