Costedge Distribution LLC

503 Melrose Avenue
Iowa City
IA 52246


Costedge Distribution LLC is a business entity registered with the State of Iowa, Secretary of State. The corporation number is #803439. The business address is 503 Melrose Avenue
Iowa City
IA 52246. The corporation type is DOMESTIC LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY.

Business Entity Information

Corporation Number 803439
Effective Date 2024-10-03
Home Office Address 503 Melrose Avenue
Iowa City
IA 52246

Registered Agent Information

Registered Agent BRADY STEIN
Agent Address 503 Melrose Avenue
Iowa City
IA 52246

Location Information

Street Address 503 MELROSE AVENUE
State IA
Zip Code 52246
Country USA

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Dataset Information

This dataset includes 300 thousand business entities registered wtih State of Iowa, Secretary of State. Business entities include both domestic business organizations (organized under and subject to the laws of Iowa), and foreign business organizations (organized under a law other than Iowa) who are authorized to transact business in the State of Iowa. Each business is registered with legal name, type, effective date, registered agent name, principal office address, etc.