Next Step Navigators LLC

505 Effingham St Ste 323
Virginia 23704-3543


Next Step Navigators LLC (Entity #11754514) is a business entity in Portsmouth registered with the Clerk's Information System (CIS) of Virginia State Corporation Commission (SCC). The entity was incorporated on October 5, 2024 in Virginia, effective from October 5, 2024. The type of the entity is . The current entity status is ACTIVE. The business industry is 0 - General. The registered business location is at 505 Effingham St Ste 323
Virginia 23704-3543
. The registered agent of the business is Rakim Tyshawn Reid. The agent office address is 505 Effingham St Ste 323, Portsmouth, Virginia 23704-3543.

Business Information

Entity ID 11754514
Entity Name Next Step Navigators LLC
Address 505 Effingham St Ste 323
Virginia 23704-3543
Status Date 2024-10-05
Duration 9999-12-31
Incorporate Date 2024-10-05
Incorporate State VA
Office Effective Date 2024-10-05
Industry Code 0 - General
Assessment Indicator NORMAL ASSESSMENT

Registered Agent Information

Registered Agent Name Rakim Tyshawn Reid
Registered Agent Address 505 Effingham St Ste 323
Virginia 23704-3543
Registered Agent Effective Date 2024-10-05
Registered Agent Status Active

Businesses with the same agent

Business NameAddressRegistered Agent NameIncorporate Date
Reign LLC 506 Dinwiddie St Apt 705, Portsmouth, Virginia 23704-3612Rakim Tyshawn Reid2020-05-23
Katalyst, LLC 600 N. 10 St. Warner Hall 114, Richmond, Virginia 23298Rakim Tyshawn Reid2012-11-17
Umbra LLC 505 Effingham St Ste 323, Portsmouth, Virginia 23704Rakim Tyshawn Reid2023-05-25
Red Ravens LLC 505 Effingham St Ste 323, Portsmouth, Virginia 23704-3543Rakim Tyshawn Reid2022-01-16

Officer Information

Location Information

Street Address 505 Effingham St Ste 323
City Portsmouth
State Virginia
Zip Code 23704-3543

Businesses in the same location

Business NameAddressRegistered Agent NameIncorporate Date
Red Ravens LLC 505 Effingham St Ste 323, Portsmouth, Virginia 23704-3543Rakim Tyshawn Reid2022-01-16
Umbra LLC 505 Effingham St Ste 323, Portsmouth, Virginia 23704Rakim Tyshawn Reid2023-05-25

Businesses in the same zip code

Business NameAddressRegistered Agent NameIncorporate Date
The Texture Loft LLC 505 Effingham St Ste 327, Portsmouth, Virginia 23704-3543Chasity Alise Stancil Moore2024-08-14

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Saunders Enterprises, LLC 3329 Killian Ave, Portsmouth, Virginia 23704Corporate Service Center Inc.2024-09-11
Mamies Wings LLC 1106 London Blvd, Portsmouth, Virginia 23704Charmayne Boles2024-09-16
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Similar Entities

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Improve Information

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Dataset Information

This dataset includes over one million business entities registered with the Clerk's Information System (CIS) of Virginia State Corporation Commission (SCC). The SCC is Virginia's central filing office for corporations, partnerships, limited liability companies and business trusts. Each business is registered with business name, principal address, mailing address, officer name, entity status, type and creation date.

Subject Business and Economy
Jurisdiction Commonwealth of Virginia
Data Provider Clerk's Information System (CIS) of Virginia State Corporation Commission (SCC)

Dataset Details

The State Corporation Commission is a state agency with regulatory authority over many business and economic interests in Virginia. Virginia State Corporation Commission (SCC) is regulatory agency whose authority encompasses utilities, insurance, state-chartered financial institutions, securities, retail franchising, and railroads. It is the state's central filing office for corporations, limited partnerships, limited liability companies and Uniform Commercial Code liens.

The following is a list of business types for different business activities. A limited liability company (LLC) is an unincorporated association of one or more members (the owners) who share in the profits and losses of the company's business. It is managed in accordance with an operating agreement by one or more members (member-managed) or by one or more managers (manager-managed). A professional LLC is an LLC that is organized for the sole and specific purpose of rendering the professional service of pharmacists, optometrists, physical therapists, physical therapist assistants, practitioners of the healing arts, nurse practitioners, practitioners of the behavioral science professions, veterinarians, surgeons, dentists, architects, professional engineers, land surveyors, certified landscape architects, certified interior designers, public accountants, certified public accountants, attorneys-at-law, insurance consultants, audiologists, speech pathologists or clinical nurse specialists. A corporation is an artificial person or legal entity managed by a board of directors. There are two types of corporations in Virginia, stock corporations and nonstock corporations. A professional corporation is a stock or nonstock corporation that is organized for the sole and specific purpose of rendering the professional service of pharmacists, optometrists, physical therapists, physical therapist assistants, practitioners of the healing arts, nurse practitioners, practitioners of the behavioral science professions, veterinarians, surgeons, dentists, architects, professional engineers, land surveyors, certified landscape architects, certified interior designers, public accountants, certified public accountants, attorneys-at-law, insurance consultants, audiologists, speech pathologists or clinical nurse specialists. A limited partnership, which is a type of partnership distinct from a general partnership, is formed by two or more persons with at least one general partner and one limited partner. The general partners exercise control over the management of the limited partnership's business. A general partnership (sometimes simply referred to as a “partnership”) is an association of two or more persons to carry on, as co-owners, a business for profit. A registered limited liability partnership (sometimes referred to as a limited liability partnership) is a status granted to a general partnership or a limited partnership that has registered for such status in the jurisdiction of its formation. A business trust is an unincorporated association whose governing instrument, sometimes referred to as a declaration of trust, provides that one or more trustees will manage property or conduct for-profit business activities on behalf of one or more beneficial owners.

This dataset includes all business entities registered with SCC. The information for each business includes business name, principal address, mailing address, officer name, entity status, type and creation date.

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